Sunday, February 19, 2012

Grower´s Cup, Finest Specialty, Kenya

Grower´s Cup, Finest Specialty, Kenya AA Plus

Kenya is a great country that produces a splendid, consistent coffee displaying a rich, powerful, fruit and berry toned acidity energizing a cup of medium body and deep dimension. This coffee is from Kenya and has the grading AA, which is the highest grade, but this AA quality may differ from exporter to broker. Also there have been some rumours a while ago about introducing a new and stronger hybrid variety of Arabica that should interfere with the coffee quality of Kenya but this hasn´t happened yet. 

Nevertheless this is produced of the very finest AA grading achievable in Kenya and is containing 100% Arabica beans from the Thika district in the Nchengo estate. The coffee is grown in 1.585 m. above sea level and the brewing bag is containing 26 gr. of freshly grounded coffee. This particular coffee bean is grown at the slopes of the Aberdare Mountains, just south of the equator, which is a traditional coffee growing area in Kenya. The largest city in the area is Ruiru and therefore is the coffee known as Ruiru origins among the inhabitants. The coffee should have a characteristic cup with an intense flavour of honey. The aftertaste is of pleasant blackcurrant and has a distinctive acidity. The cup is very well balanced and has a lot of floral notes. 

Close up at the result
This coffee had an interesting and lovely aroma, that was strong and powerful. Therefore I expected a powerful taste in the cup, but actually it wasn't that dominant. I thought it would be strong with flavors of dark chocolate and a lot of bitterness, but it was indeed a round and cosy cup, which wasn't strong, but instead had a great aftertaste with a dry finish. The flavors was definitely berries and also raisins, but I couldn't determine exactly blackcurrant. I really enjoyed this cup and the freshness was superb.

// Hendrup 

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